Montag, 18. Januar 2010

Innsbruck be-knitted.

West austrian mission number one

Since we didn't use all of our stuff in Munich, I took some of the flowers with me to make Innsbruck a bit more stylish the next day ;)
A fellow crafter spent the weekend with me (bavarian-austrian friendship, crafting doesn't know any borders ;) )

It was a beautiful sunny day, so the flowers were perfect objects for this first attempt in Innsbruck.
Since - again - we forgot to tie some more yarn to the flowers, so we can actually bind them to something, we always had to search for spots where we could stick them on something.

The first one is placed on the Maria-Theresien-Platz, where a nice bike was standing all alone in the cold.

The next one found its destiny on the thing where you put the coins (my english. help.) into a cigarette vending machine. edit: Slot. we put it on the slow ;) Myself, I'm a passionate non-smoker, so hey people! Knit flowers instead *grin*

There still is a huge construction site near the M.T.-Platz, and the fence is full with posters and everything. Clearly, we had to put a nice little flower there too ;)

On our way to the asian restaurant we saw this car with broken mirrors fixed with tape on both sides. Again, a flower will help making this a bit more beautiful ;)

Thanks for reading,
we had a great day - I hope you enjoy the pics!


4 Kommentare:

charly hat gesagt…

awesome :D

Agi hat gesagt…

love it! Hab wieder Sehnsucht nach Innsbruck...

denocte hat gesagt…

komm mich besuchen :)

Trisha hat gesagt…

was steht auf euren angehängten zettelchen?

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